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Healthy Glam

10 Things to do When You Are Down

Do Retail Shopping Therapy

You work hard and deserve a break. Go out and do some retail shopping therapy without feeling guilty. Remember your limit on how much you can actually spend and don’t go over it. Get something silly or something that you need. It can be anything from makeup too some new tools. Just remember to have fun shopping and don’t stress about it.

What Makes You Comfortable?

Stop and think about the things that makes you comfortable. What makes you feel better? Is it crawling up in bed and reading a good book? Is it taking time out and popping popcorn and watching a movie? Just doing something that makes you comfortable can help with making you unwind and feel good about yourself. When you’re stressed out it can cause a lot of problems and it can affect your health in many different ways. Take the evening to relax and pick yourself up again.

Enjoy Being Alone

Don’t sulk in being by yourself and alone. Learn how to enjoy being alone. Do meditation, listen to upbeat music. Use the time to reenergize yourself and fall in love with yourself as you spend time alone. Being alone can help you if you let it.Figure Out What’s Bothering You

Sit down, meditate and try to find the source of what is really bothering you. If you can identify what’s bothering you then try to reverse the problem. What can you do to prevent that problem from bothering you again? Take steps with helping things go towards the right direction.
