Cute Emoticons ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡~)

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(◕ っ ◕✿) Flower Click to copy

(◕ ᄋ ◕✿)
✾◕ ‿ ◕✾
❀◕ ‿ ◕❀
(✿◕ 𐤿◕)
(◕ᱛ ◕✿)
(´ ᴗ`✿)
(◕ᥧ ◕✿)
(◕ .̫ ◕✿)
(◕ᥲ ◕✿)
(╹ っ ╹✿)
(◕‸ ◕✿)
✿◕ ‿ ◕✿
(ᅌ ˇ ᅌ✿)
(´ ꒳ ` ✿)
(◕⍸ ◕✿)
(◕˽ ◕ ✿)
(◕ ꒳ ◕✿)
(・ω ・✿)
❁◕ ‿ ◕❁
(◕ﬦ ◕✿)
(◕ っ ◕✿)
(❦ ᴗ ❦ ✿)
(ó ꒳ ò✿)

(◕ っ ◕✿)Flower

Flowers mainly refer to the petals, which are described as bright and beautiful; they symbolize beauty, for example, calling children the flowers of the motherland, or giving flowers to women to express love. Click to copy flower emoticons